The success of our practice is based on years of providing comprehensive, conservative, trustworthy and compassionate dental care.
COMPREHENSIVE dental care – Every dentist is trained to perform routine dental care, but in our office, pediatric dentistry extends beyond your basic fillings and caps. We treat tongue ties with a CO2 laser for breastfeeding, sleep, and eating issues. We are able to perform early (when baby teeth are present) and late orthodontics which allows us to treat a patient at an ideal age. We also treat sleep disordered breathing, which is one of the most popular topics in dentistry today. We can accomplish everything in one place and you don’t need to see multiple specialist for it. Having the knowledge of the above will prevent anything from being missed or neglected along your child’s dental journey that could impact his/her teeth and overall health.
CONSERVATIVE dentistry – We do NOT treat every cavity on baby teeth. With over 20 years of pediatric dental experience, I have a great feel of when a tooth needs to be treated and when we may get away with trying to let a decayed tooth fall out on its own. One thing you will understand about our practice is we respect people’s finances. Dentistry can be very expensive and we want to save you money especially when it comes to baby teeth. Most important, conservative dentistry reduces the amount of dental work your child needs to go through.
TRUSTWORTHY dentistry – “Dr. Tom whatever you decide is fine with us, you are the dentist.” As much as I appreciate these comments, this is not what I want out of my parents. I want parents to fully understand what is being done, why it is being done, and to know all options. A parent will always play a role in treatment planning and decision making. Dentistry is very opinionated and no providers have the exact same recommendation. One practitioner might recommend 8 caps on a child, and I may recommend doing nothing. Your trust will be gained by knowing that everything we do is in the best interest of your child.
COMPASSIONATE dentistry – NO procedure is taken for granted. From the injection to the drill, we attempt to make every procedure as comfortable as possible for your child and that’s a promise! There are many aspects of dentistry that require an emotional lift and because of this we are always positive and motivating to children who need a lot of dental work or improvement with their dental care at home.
I believe there is a perfect dental practice for every patient and no practice is perfect. However, I believe the above gives parents an insight to what is important to me and what we are trying to achieve.
In Good Oral Health,
Dr. Derek Tom